Glenella State School offers a large number of extra-curricular activities to cater for the whole child. These include, but are not limited to:
* Robotics and Coding Club
* Instrumental Program
* Choir
* Lunchtime Arts & Craft Club
* Lunchtime Sporting Competitions (Cricket, Soccer & Netball)
* Sporting Gala Day (AFL, Cricket, Rugby League & Netball)
* Mathematics Competitions
* CAID (Culture, Arts In Dance)
* Deadly Choices
* Solid Pathways
* Creative Generation Dance
* Pokemon Club
* GRIP Leadership
* External Sporting Providers (Auskick, Harrup Park Cricket Blast, Sporting Schools, Tennis Coach)
Additionally, we have a close association with Mackay District Primary School Sport (MDPSS). All necessary forms and documentation required for MDPSS can be found under the Sports tab.