We warmly welcome student enrolment in all year levels (Prep–Year 6) at our school. Please assist us with the following enrolment procedures:
All enrolling families are required to have an enrolment interview (available by appointment) with the Principal prior to their commencement at Glenella State School.
Please read our School Handbook 2025 (PDF, 423KB) and the 2018-2020 Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students (PDF, 632 KB).
The following forms are required to be completed by Parents/Guardians Application for Student Enrolment and Consent Package
Students being enrolled in a Queensland State School for the first time will also be required to bring the following to the enrolment interview
birth certificate or passport
Students enrolling from outside Australia may also require
visa information.
Students enrolling in the Prep year must be 5 years old by the 30th June in the year they start prep. The Prep Parent Info Booklet 2025(PDF,1084KB) provides information about our school's Prep year program.
Booklist 2025 (PDF,227KB) requirements for each Year level are provided to assist Parents/Guardians to ensure students can participate in regular class activities.
If your student requires medication to be administered by staff, please complete the appropriate form for either emergency or short term routine medication. Consent to Administer Medication (PDF, 171KB).